Rest Primary & Junior High School

Rest Primary & Junior High School

Rest Primary & Junior High School The Keturah Hamilton Foundation, in partnership with Women Beyond Survival, visited Rest Primary & Junior High School in Clarendon Jamaica.The Humanitarian Mission was to aid the children who are struggling to attend school. The event was organized and hosted by Kayana Robinson, who did such an amazing job. The children entertained us and the day was filled with laughter. It was so enlightening to see the light in their eyes, despite their challenges. The hunger and thirst for knowledge was written all over their beautiful faces. The principal, teachers, and students were so appreciative for the supplies donated by WBS and KHF. It warms my heart to be able to make a difference.Thanks to Juicy Beef,…
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Feeding the 5000

Feeding the 5000

Feeding the 5000 Feeding of the 5000 is an annual event which takes place every December. Feeding of the 5000 was founded by Jordan Bennett, who won the Prime Minister’s youth award for Excellence in the category youth in service. The Keturah Hamilton Foundation learned of The Feeding of the 5000, and the reasons that led Jordan to this mission. We were so touched by the passion, dedication, love, and commitment this young man has for the less fortunate, we had to join his cause. The Keturah Hamilton Foundation has been one of the primary sponsors for two years and will continue to be a part of The Feeding of the 5000.  On December 21, 2014 Feeding hit their goal…
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Roosevelt Elementary School

Roosevelt Elementary School

Roosevelt Elementary School The Keturah Hamilton Foundation, in collaboration with Chava’s Angels at Heart Foundation, donated school supplies to the boys and girls of Roosevelt Elementary school in Santa Ana California. The book bags, notebooks, pens, pencils and other goodies were distributed on August 21, 2015. We kicked off the day with the volunteers greeting the boys and girls, who were joyful and upbeat upon arrival. we had an amazing time with the children, as the love, passion and innocence in their eyes was inspiring and breath taking. How can we not come together and help these adorable children? Many of these children will become success stories because we cared to give them the tools they need to strive. The boys and girls left…
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Sunday Easter Feeding 2016

Sunday Easter Feeding 2016

Sunday Easter Feeding 2016 It's not for money, it's not for fame, and it's not for personal gain. It's just love. The Keturah Hamilton Foundation and the amazing volunteers hit the streets of Skid Row on Easter Sunday March 27, 2016. We fed over 400 people, but mostly importantly we spread love and laughter. The day was filled with so much joy with the Veterans engaging us with stories about their experiences. It was an inspiring lesson to realize that whether you're big or small, rich or poor, we are all one. Love, kindness, and sharing is the only medicine that can cure the world we are living in and bring us together in unity. The Keturah Hamilton Foundation is most thankful to…
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Thanksgiving Feeding 2016

Thanksgiving Feeding 2016

Thanksgiving Feeding 2016 Our annual Thanksgiving feeding of the less fortunate, held on November 24, 2016, was a huge success from the details of the preparation to the love that was put into making it possible. This year was exceptionally amazing thanks to our corporate sponsors, Ralph's, Trader Joes, and Barilla Pasta, and the committed support of our ongoing individual sponsors. The Keturah Hamilton Foundation was able to host two separate feedings at two different locations, Skid Row and NoHo Park. We fed over two hundred people at Skid Row and approximately one hundred in Noho Park. Our brothers and sisters were all appreciative, loving, grateful to be alive, and elated that we care. Thank you to all of our dedicated volunteers and…
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Thanksgiving Feeding 2015

Thanksgiving Feeding 2015

Thanksgiving Feeding 2015 Thanksgiving is a time to give, a time to love, a time to share, and a time to be thankful. On November 26, 2015, the Keturah Hamilton Foundation held their first annual feeding for the less fortunate at Noho Park in North Hollywood California. When the event began, so many wonderful souls were patiently waiting in line to be served. They were so thankful, appreciative, full of life, and throughout the feeding, each and everyone of them kept saying ”May God bless you all.” By the end of the day, we fed nearly one hundred people and gave away a hundred gift bags. We would like to acknowledge our sponsors, volunteers, and especially SattDown Jamaican Grill, who prepared and…
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Thanksgiving 2017

Thanksgiving 2017

Thanksgiving Feeding 2017 The Keturah Hamilton Foundation celebrated our 4th annual Thanksgiving feeding on November 23, 2017. Feeding took place downtown LA at Skidrow. Thanksgiving is a time of giving, love, sharing, eggnog drinking and craving of the turkey.We fed approximately four hundred people, and spread love and cheers with the gift of warm blankets and gift bags with all sorts of goodies!! The appreciation from the less fortunate was overwhelming and contagious. No matter the circumstances they were full of joy and life.It wouldn't have been possible without our committed volunteers, and continuous sponsors. Thanks to Ralph's Supermarket for sponsoring us two years in a row. We will continue to work tirelessly to spread love, and touch lives near…
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Black Panthers

Black Panthers

Black Panther Movie The Keturah Hamilton Foundation granted ten children from Isheri Grammar School in Lagos Nigeria and fifteen children from Jamaica West Indies the opportunity to see the Black Panther movie in theater. Black Panther brings awareness to our history and children of today need to be more aware of their history and culture. Time to stand together and educate our boys and girls on the importance of our ancestors and the sacrifices they made for us to live our truth. Let us show these boys and girls that they too can dream and be who ever they want to be. The children had a blast and left feeling like superheroes and dreamers. Thanks to everyone who made it possible. We…
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Back To School Giveaway 2020

Back To School Giveaway 2020

Back To School Giveaway 2020 The Keturah Hamilton Foundation first annual Back To School Giveaway was held on August 14, 2020 in Spanish Town, Jamaica,West Indies. The giveaway event was remarkable and well received. The day started with an opening prayer and a song by Pastor Angelin Neneita Reid and was hosted by Kamaletta Campbell, a teacher at Morgan’s Basic School. A lot of teachers, parents, and students were in attendance and the food and refreshments were a hit! The beautiful children from far and near were respectful and appreciative of the educational materials, such as school bags, books, pencils, pens, drawing books, calculators, flash drives, socks, soccer balls, soap, and dictionaries. We even handed out thermometers to help with the…
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Christmas Day 2015

Christmas Day 2015

Christmas Day 2015 Giveaway Button #1 Button #1 Christmas is a season of great joy! it is also a time when God shows His great love for us. The Keturah Hamilton Foundation visited Skid Row in downtown LA on Christmas Day 2015 and spread God's love by giving away gifts to the less fortunate. It was an overwhelming experience for the many volunteers that participated as thousands of less fortunate people were so festive and in high spirits, despite their struggles. The beautiful faces of those boys and girls were filled with the joy of being a child at Christmas time when we handed them the wrapped gifts. This was the best Christmas I have ever experienced because while spreading love, we…
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